We raise cockatiels for both exhibition and pets.
Also a few Green Cheek Conures, Indian Ringnecks and Scarlet Chested Parakeets.
I am a member of the American Cockatiel Society (ACS)
and the National Cockatiel Society (NCS).
My band number is 81C.
Our birds are fed a diet of pellets, seed, vegetables, chop and other "goodies".
Babies are handfed and abundance weaned. They are weaned onto the above diet.
We do not sell unweaned babies.
In 2008 I started showing in the Novice Division for the first time and am hooked on bird shows!
They are great fun and you meet a lot of people that are as "crazy" as you are.
We strive to breed the best birds possible, not only in looks but disposition too.
Please take a moment to visit the photo gallery to see our birds.
Chris & Al Orowitz
Located South of Louisville, Kentucky
Also a few Green Cheek Conures, Indian Ringnecks and Scarlet Chested Parakeets.
I am a member of the American Cockatiel Society (ACS)
and the National Cockatiel Society (NCS).
My band number is 81C.
Our birds are fed a diet of pellets, seed, vegetables, chop and other "goodies".
Babies are handfed and abundance weaned. They are weaned onto the above diet.
We do not sell unweaned babies.
In 2008 I started showing in the Novice Division for the first time and am hooked on bird shows!
They are great fun and you meet a lot of people that are as "crazy" as you are.
We strive to breed the best birds possible, not only in looks but disposition too.
Please take a moment to visit the photo gallery to see our birds.
Chris & Al Orowitz
Located South of Louisville, Kentucky